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Our Mission

Bring the powerful Light and Love of Jesus Christ to those bound in darkness INSIDE The Wire that surrounds our prisons.

Ways We Serve

Kairos Prison Ministry 
Twice a year we share the Gospel with 42 men. They enjoy teaching, fellowship, cookies and food over four days. 

Bible Study Fellowship 
From September through May we study the Bible together along with thousands of other classes around the Free World. 

Overcomers Recovery 
A Christ centered 12 step program that lasts 90 days. We conduct 3 classes between September and May. 

Promise Principle Groups
The Group studies scripture looking for God’s Truth in the form of promises or commands that the men personalize in their life. 

Gateway Prison Ministry 
Weekly service where volunteers fellowship with inmates in worship and the weekly sermons. 

Prepare men to learn skills that help them re-enter society upon release. 

Certified Volunteer Chaplain Assistant 
Perform the duties of a Chaplain with the exception of death notification. 

Prisoners worshipping at the Mark W. Michael Unit in Tennessee Colony, TX

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Serving those incarcerated at the Mark W. Michael Unit In Tennessee Colony, TX.

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